Release Notes
CanRisk v2.4.2; 21 Jan 2025
- FIX - to patch a bug that manifested only in the desktop version of the Firefox web browser. Other web browsers are not affected. The bug occurred when using the up/down arrows for data entry with height, weight, menarche fields and age of diagnosis in the 'Medical History' section. Entry in this way meant that the value was not recorded unless the field was clicked on. Typing in the values worked correctly. Firefox users can check past risk calculation by looking at the table of risk factors in the generated report
CanRisk v2.4.1; 08 Apr 2024
- FIX - fix formatting of bold font for German PDF report.
- UPDATE - revert minimum year of birth back to 1850
CanRisk v2.4.0; 03 Apr 2024
- NEW FEATURE - new web results and PDF report. Changes have been made to text and presentation of the results and the CanRisk report.
Library versions are kept as up-to-date as possible but to ensure future proofing there have been some significant version changes.
Significant version updates:- Django 4.2 (from 3.2)
- MySQL 8 (from 5.7)
- Bootstrap 5.3 (from 3.4)
- JQuery 3.7 (from 3.6)
- bootstrap5-toggle (new)
- Inputmask 5.0.8 (from 5.0.0-beta.130)
Library dependencies removed:All current versions of front end libraries can be seen here.
- UPDATE - breast and ovarian cancer model code, v6.3.2 and v2.3.2.
- UPDATE - Updated BRCA2 relative risk estimates for individuals aged 60 years and older, incorporating newer findings from studies with a greater number of older carriers of pathogenic variants compared to the initial segregation analysis. The revised RR decrease from the original estimate at age 60 (Lee et al JMG 2022) to a RR of 3.4 for ages 70 and over in a piecewise linear fashion. Data on the RR estimates for the ages 70 and over obtained from doi:10.1001/jama.2017.7112 and doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1913948. Ficorella et al; validation study results: Yang et al.
- UPDATE - PRS alpha parameters revised, see Mavaddat correction (in press).
- UPDATE - improved error message when inputting loops.
- UPDATE - new CanRisk logo added.
CanRisk v2.3.5; 13 Jun 2023
- FIX - show PRS text of polygenic load when z-score is removed and re-entered.
- FIX - show PRS graphic when z-score is set to zero.
- UPDATE - pedigreejs changes to use latest D3.
- UPDATE - include UK Cancer Genetics Group guidelines in endorsement list.
- UPDATE - add UKCA marking.
CanRisk v2.3.4; 21 Mar 2023
- UPDATE - CanRisk version included in input section of results.
- UPDATE - PRS file and sample names included in input section of results.
- NEW FEATURE - add BCAC 77 PRS reference.
CanRisk v2.3.3; 9 Feb 2023
- NEW FEATURE - warn Internet Explorer no longer supported.
CanRisk v2.3.2; 17 Jan 2023
- FIX - allow VCF files to be used for both breast and ovarian PRS.
- UPDATE - front page.
CanRisk v2.3.1; 10 Nov 2022
- FIX - don't wipe the alpha if z-score not given.
- FIX - allow mutation results to be provided for over 80+ year old.
CanRisk v2.3.0; 26 Sep 2022
- UPDATE - breast and ovarian cancer model code, v6.2.0 and v2.2.0. To provide optimisations for the calculation speed-up.
CanRisk v2.2.1; 5 Jul 2022
- UPDATE - added PRS reference files OC-EGLH-CEN 34.
- FIX - pedigree render issue to not incorrectly show consanguineous partners.
- FIX - pedigree loading and hanging issue.
CanRisk v2.2.0; 25 May 2022
- UPDATE - Allow Height=NA lines in CanRisk files for the web-service and Batch Tool.
- UPDATE - added PRS reference files BCAC 3820, WISDOM 75, WISDOM 128.
CanRisk v2.1.0; 9 May 2022
- UPDATE - breast and ovarian cancer model code, v6.1.0 and v2.1.0. To provide optimisations for the calculation speed-up and updated BRCA2 risks for ovarian cancer.
- UPDATE - How to Cite section on About page
- UPDATE - added PRS reference file EGLH-CEN 303.
CanRisk v2.0.0; 31 Jan 2022
- NEW FEATURE - breast and ovarian cancer models updated to BOADICEA v6 and Ovarian Cancer Model v2.
- NEW FEATURE - height is now a continuous risk factor in both the breast and ovarian models.
- NEW FEATURE - cancer rates now available for Estonia, France, the Netherlands and Slovenia.
- NEW FEATURE - Batch Tool now available to compute cancer risks for multiple pedigree.
- UPDATE - changes to the default mutation search sensitivities for all genes, using more up-to-date data.
- UPDATE - added PRS reference file PRISM 289.
- FIX - ensure that alcohol section resets on proband switch from a loaded CanRisk file.
- FIX - ensure calculations for deceased targets do not give cancer risk results.
- FIX - do not show hidden contralateral message in print version.
CanRisk v1.2.3; 7 Jul 2021
- UPDATE - for cases of a first breast cancer change note on breast cancer risk tab and add note for ovarian cancer risks.
- FIX - set country if defined in user preferences when loading CanRisk files.
- FIX - loading male proband with children from file to not set parity and first live birth risk factors.
- UPDATE - remove custom gene mutation frequencies option.
- FIX - names in 'Model Error' messages (e.g. male with pathology data).
- FIX - ensure diagnosis age is maintained when proband switching.
CanRisk v1.2.2; 5 May 2021
- NEW FEATURE - provide pedigree/family ID option when saving a CanRisk file and include it in the results tab.
- NEW FEATURE - add button to scale-to-fit pedigree graphic.
- NEW FEATURE - show genetic test and pathology on pedigree graphic.
- NEW FEATURE - added Portuguese and Italian translations.
CanRisk v1.2.1; 9 Mar 2021
- NEW FEATURE - include CanRisk data summary in the results.
- NEW FEATURE - calculate 10-year breast cancer risks for females if (i) under 30 at the ages 25-29, ii) under 40 at age 30 or (iii) under 50 at age 40.
- UPDATE - higher resolution for images and compress PDF report.
- FIX - PRS graph in results tab for IE.
- NEW FEATURE - added Dutch translation.
CanRisk v1.2.0; 2 Feb 2021
- UPDATE - faster result display for IE.
- UPDATE - pedigree graphic resizes when web browser is resized.
- FIX - mutation frequency when selecting country.
- NEW FEATURE - languages added French/Spanish/German.
- FIX - turn off proband age/year of birth synchronisation when deceased.
- FIX - (applied 8 Feb 21) in cases of both breasts or ovaries removed risks are not reported for the related breast or ovarian cancer. The mutation probabilities are now calculated from the breast and ovarian cancer models to ensure they are consistent.
- FIX - (applied 15 Feb 21) pedigree render in results tab issue on small screens.
CanRisk v1.1.2; 13 Oct 2020
- UPDATE - HRT brand categories.
- UPDATE - add user preference option to turn off age/year of birth synchronisation.
- FIX - Usage plot months sorting corrected.
- UPDATE - Contact form requires name of minimum length.
CanRisk v1.1.1; 8 Sept 2020
- UPDATE - Add security headers to website responses.
- UPDATE - Add SameSite, HttpOnly cookie attributes and prefix.
- UPDATE - Remove need for jstat library.
CanRisk v1.1.0; 20 Aug 2020
- NEW FEATURE - Description: Allow PRS value entry.
- NEW FEATURE - Description: Add buttons to gene test section to fill in all results and change to present/absent.
- NEW FEATURE - Description: Add ability to switch proband/target.
- FIX - Description: Fix for IE when selecting options in "Family Building - Options" dialog.
- UPDATE - Description: Software agreement updated to included 'Researcher' option.
- FIX - Description: Fix drawing proband arrow when it's index is 0.
- FIX - Description: Fix for longer usernames.
- UPDATE - Description: Set maximum age limit for proband to be 125, so that mutation probabilities can be calculated for those 80 and over.
- FIX - Description: Increase font size for PDF report for IE and Edge.
- FIX - Description: Exclude contralateral note when it does not apply.
- UPDATE - Description: provide a more user friendly CSRF Failed message.
- NEW FEATURE - Description: add genetic test sensitivities to user preferences.
- UPDATE - Description: additional testing of CDN status.
- FIX - Description: fix for reading canrisk files with windows end of line characters.
- UPDATE - Add ovarian cancer PRS reference file.
- FIX - Description: ensure unknown/other HRT types are set to 'C' and update HRT logic.
- FIX - Description: PDFs fail to save if risk graph scaled.
- UPDATE - update notify app to allow temporary messages.
CanRisk v1.0.4; 15 Jan 2020
- UPDATE - Description: Add CIHR logo.
- UPDATE - Description: Cancer models now allow entering pathology subtypes for cancer first breast cancers over the age of 79.
- FIX - Description: Allow for names with spaces in when loading CanRisk files.
- NEW FEATURE - Description: New cumulative usage plot on admin page.
- FIX - Description: If proband is male update text in mutation results to "based on man's information".
- FIX - Description: bootstrap-toogle JavaScript blocked so changed to jsDelivr CDN.
- FIX - Description: update one of the mammographic density paremeters in the breast cancer model to be in agreement with the Nelson et al Ann. Int. Medicine 2012 publication - (26/02/2019).
CanRisk v1.0.3; 16 Dec 2019
- FIX - Description: Pedigree render problem fix.
- NEW FEATURE - Description: Add the release notes page.
- NEW FEATURE - Description: New admin page to graphically show user registration locations.
- UPDATE - Description: Provide note in cases where family members have mutations in multiple genes to warn there is a limitation in mutation carrier probability prediction.
- UPDATE - Description: Increase minimum username length to be same as that required for web-services.
- FIX - Description: Removing sections from the PDF report download causes it to fail silently.
CanRisk v1.0.2; 4 Dec 2019
- UPDATE - Description: Change parity help text for input parameter section in results to 'Number of Children' to match the CanRisk form
- UPDATE - Description: Model code update to handle the case where the proband's twin has a mutation test
- NEW FEATURE : Description: Add notify app to be able to notify users of planned maintenance without needing to take down the website
CanRisk v1.0.1; 27 Nov 2019
- UPDATE - Description: Add CanRisk version to footer and 'CanRisk Report' to header of result report. Needed when passing reports to e.g. surgeon.
- UPDATE - Description: Add 'Login or Register' to assist navigation to registration form
- UPDATE - Description: Fortran update. Update to allow for mztwin proband in mutation probability calculations